Welcome to worship today. It’s good to see you!


The Regional Council has asked us to do a self-assessment. Please prayerfully reflect on your church and be ready to speak your truth (in safety and without judgement).

Please pray for those in need, and for friends and relatives.

Please pray for the following:
Aline Ay, Eileen and Byron Carr, Julie Chang, James Pan, Christy, Pat Rogers.



This Sunday, 1 September, 2024

Presider: Rev Nick Judson
Organist: Teresa Lo
Lay Reader: Frank Chang
Greeter: Marco Chan

Next Sunday, 8 September, 2024

Presider: Rev Nick Judson
Organist: Teresa Lo
Lay Reader: Shelly Xiao
Greeter: Orval Chapman

Sunday School Ministry: Yvonne Bell & Dianne Bell
Sanctuary assistants: Yvonne Bell & Marco Chan
Social Refreshment Ministry: Dianne Bell & Yvonne Bell


Small group meetings:

Small group

Monday September 2 No Study Group

Tuesday September 3 at 2 pm Richmond United Church Ministers meet at Richmond Unted in the Lounge

 Thursday, September 5 10:00-11:30 Coffee Chat at Blenz Garden City Shopping Centre.Free Refreshments are served in every small group.

We will look at two new small group studies, distribute materials and decide on the day of the week and time.  Most likely times are: Sunday for 45 minutes before church, Tuesday afternoon and/or evening, Friday morning and Friday afternoon.

1. Acts for Everyone will continue once a week.
2. Book Study: A Liberation for the Earth: Climate, Race and Cross by A M Ranawana will be a seven session small group. The frequency of meetings will be decided by the group.
3. Exodus: Six themes everyone should know. Six weekly sessions that will involve Worship and Conversation.
In December, as Advent starts, we will offer a new series.

Starting dates for the book study A Liberation for the Earth and the six-session bible study and worship Exo-dus are still to be decided.

Please check out online Zoom courses offered through Queen’s House Retreat and Renewal Centre. Brochures can be found on the Notice Board opposite the Minis-ter’s office.

During December we will offer a four-part DVD Ad-vent series called Light of the World. Cost $26 for the book. A few secondhand cheaper copies available.


It’s good to see you. May God bless you with a sense of the divine presence. Please stay and in-troduce yourself while you drink a cup of tea or coffee in the hall accessed through the door beside the pulpit.


Our part-time minister, Revd. Nick, is available at any time for pastoral emergencies. The best days to reach him for other issues are Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. 604-809-7277 rucbcminister@gmail.com

There will be light refreshments and time to chat in the church hall after worship.

To discuss upcoming small group offerings, or for any questions about small groups, please contact the Minister at 604-809-7277.